Friday, August 3, 2012

Microsoft lightswitch, Business Centric Application development tool

Lightswitch is another tool under the umbrella of Visual studio used for building rapid business applications. In short, it automatically generates the user interface (Silverlight) for a data source without you having to write a single line of code.

Why Lightswitch?
  1. Lightswitch is a pefect way of creating MVVM pattern which seperates the presentation and business logic.
  2. Creating standard or complicated forms with cutom validations or custom rules which can be handled by desinger.
  3. It provides the ability to write more complex business logic for various scenaios.
Business Scenarios

Visual Studio Lightswitch comes with pre-defined Form Templates and Data Object Templates, which means you can literally generate UI Form with basic validations for any entities. It is just a matter of Drag and Drop.

If you are looking for more advanced customized UI Forms, advanced validations for Data Objects and more advanced features then you have to create Custom Lightswitch Templates, in fact, most of the time you end up working on creating these custom templates which can reused at organization level having cusotmized look and feel.

you can download and get more information about creating sample application and few more advanced topics on Lighswitch here

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